Most copywriters are whizzkids at spelling, grammar and punctuation. We listened up in school, and learned the difference between subjunctives, infinitives, intransitive and transitive verbs… We even know how to correctly use a semicolon.
To this end, we’re putting 2020 down as the year that the world wises up to some basics. We’ve been quiet about our pedantry for long enough. This year is the year where we banish the following aberrations to the waste paper bin.
Here are 6 grammar mistakes we DO NOT want to see in 2020:
1. You’re and your
The old classic and 2017 didn’t show any signs of this gaffe going away as we mentally corrected every “Your joking!” and “I appreciate you’re helping” that we came across.
2. The apostrophe
Despite its diminutive size, it’s a symbol that a lot of people have trouble with. So much so, that many people don’t bother with it. But it means so much and can change a sentence. Learn the basics, it’s pretty simple.
3. It’s and its
It’s means ”˜it is, while “its” indicates ownership – i.e, “The cat was minding its own business”. While the apostrophe signifies possession, there are exceptions – in particular its, yours, ours, hers.
4. Double comparatives and double superlatives
You’re not stronger, and that building isn’t the biggest. You’re just stronger, and that building is the biggest – drop the repetitive comparative adjective.
5. Of and have
The biggest clanger! If we received a pound every time we saw someone write “I would have had that!” or “I should have said something”, we’d be millionaires.
6. Affect and effect
This one is a pet peeve of ours! Affect refers to the act of changing (verb), while effect refers to the change itself (noun). For example:
“This rainy weather is affecting my mood.”
“The sunny weather had a great effect on me.”
What is the biggest grammar fails in your opinion? Get in touch and let’s grumble together!