Tecmark developed 3D Wallpaper Pro for iNetwallpaper.com ltd.
Unlike other wallpaper apps, which often use the same stock images, none of the images in 3D Wallpaper Pro are available anywhere else. They were all specially designed for this app and have been rendered in luxurious high definition.
The images have a distinctive hi-tech aesthetic that complements the look and feel of the iPad perfectly. The app includes 8 wallpaper packs, each containing 50 unique images. Every pack has a theme – they include Sci-Fi, Digital Abstracts and Imaginary Landscapes.
The app, which was featured by Apple in the New and Noteworthy category on the App Store, will receive ongoing support, with more packs and free monthly updates due to be made available to users.
Other features include a favourites gallery and a preview feature which lets users test a wallpaper as it appears with their icons and on the iPad’s lock screen. The app also has a slideshow function, which means it works seamlessly as a screensaver, a unique brightness control, and built-in social media functionality that lets users share thumbnails with friends.
3D Wallpaper Pro gives iPad users some serious eye-candy without getting in the way when they want to use their device as normal. In terms of image quality, and the range of features, no other wallpaper app comes close.