Fancy winning £500? Then make sure, if you haven’t already, that you download Puttluck from the App Store today.
Tecmark developed Puttluck for PGA golfer Steve McGuinness earlier this year. It’s the first golf game to make use of the iPhone 4’s gyroscope – you control the game by gripping and swinging your handset just like a real putter.
To make things more exciting, anyone who has the full version of the game can enter a competition against other users every time there’s a major golf tournament taking place. Whoever manages to amass the highest overall score during the time the real-world tournament is being played wins £500. Simple as that.
As it’s the US Open this weekend, now’s the time to test your skills and give yourself a chance of winning.
It’s also the British Open next month, so if you don’t win this weekend, that gives you some more time to practice before having another shot at the prize.
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About the Author
I joined Tecmark couple of months ago as an Influencer Relationship apprentice. It’s quite clear from my title that my main task is to create relationships with bloggers and ensure they are happy to work with our clients. Here is my advice when it comes to making new blogger friends.
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