At Tecmark when we start working on a new campaign, one of the first things we request access to is Google Analytics. For SEO teams in particular it’s a really important tool to measure how well our campaigns are performing and if our clients are getting a good return on investment.
Whilst some in house teams and marketing departments are all clued up on their web analytics and know their way around Google Analytics, for anyone that’s not, we’ve put together this list of 3 super easy things you easily find out from GA and what to click to access this info.
Traffic Sources: Where is your website traffic coming from?
You’ll find information about where your website traffic is coming from in the Acquisition menu on Google Analytics.
Clicking on Acquisition and sub menu will pop open. Select Overview and Analytics will display a number of charts and graphs which give you an overview of the different channels where traffic to your website is coming from.
To get a more detailed view on each channel, I recommend going further into the menu options and selecting All Traffic > Channels.
This view gives you a lot more information including:
Easily Compare Dates
Google Analytics makes it super easy for you to compare metrics from different dates, meaning you can measure how your website is performing before, after and even during your campaigns.
To run a date comparison, click on the date range which you’ll find in the top right of the screen.
This will open up the date menu and give you the option to select the date you want to start with and when you’d like to compare it to.
Tick the box labelled Compare to: and Google will give you three further options to compare to the previous period, the previous year or a custom date.
Select the dates you want to compare, click Apply and you’ll get your comparison displayed!
To switch off the date comparison, re-open the date menu and untick the Compare to option.
What devices are people using to visit your website?
Making your website mobile-friendly has become such an integral part of most SEO strategies, but just how big is mobile traffic when it comes to your website visitors? What other devices are people using to browse and buy? To find this out, you’ll need to click into the Audience item in the main menu.
On the sub-menu, you’ll find an option for Mobile which in turn has two further menu items: Overview and Devices.
Select Overview and you’ll get a topline breakdown of traffic from Mobile, Desktop and Tablets.
To see specifically which devices people are using, whether they’re all on iPhones, iPads, Samsung Galaxy S7s or something else, select the Devices option. You might be surprised with some of the devices you see in this list and may find it doesn’t just include Smartphones and tablets. I was surprised to find one of my clients had a regular customer making purchases from their Xbox One!
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About the Author
I joined Tecmark couple of months ago as an Influencer Relationship apprentice. It’s quite clear from my title that my main task is to create relationships with bloggers and ensure they are happy to work with our clients. Here is my advice when it comes to making new blogger friends.
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