What is User Experience Design? Trying to explain in a quick tidbit is near impossible, so I’m going to attempt to tell you over two exciting blog posts. This is of course no means an exhaustive step by step run-down but, instead, more of a high level look at what it is to be a […]
Does PageRank Still Count for Anything?
Is PageRank Dead? For some time now, there has been a great deal of doubt surrounding the importance of Google PageRank. We keep hearing from people within the world of search that “PageRank is dead”. However, Google is in the midst of a PageRank update. Now, why would Google waste their time with this if […]
Generation Social
We discuss social media on the Tecmark blog frequently. We talk about the benefits for your business, how individuals interact with brands and how companies can leverage that. So here’s something a little different – a piece of commentary from Amy Murray on the potential detrimental effects social media could have on communication. Coming to […]