Search Engine Optimisation

“Tecmark have an excellent knowledge of SEO and our results speak for themselves. We are now number one in Google for the keywords that are relevant to our business and we are reaping the benefits. Their open, honest and intelligent approach make our working relationship a pleasant and successful one. I would highly recommend Tecmark if you are considering SEO.”

Elizabeth Beesley LLB, Director, MoneySolve

The first 8 months of SEO with Tecmark…

Actual traffic from Organic Search only (SEO), Sep 08 to Apr 09

The first step…

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Tecmark SEO Services

Service Type Details
Ongoing SEO Campaigns Basic SEO (see below)
Premium SEO (see below)
Special SEO Services SEO Audits
Keyword Research
Competitor Analysis
Reputation Management
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Tecmark SEO Service Comparison

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Base Target Keywords ? Max 3 3 – 5 Unlimited
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Website Audit & Recommendations ?
Link Building ?
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Unlimited Expert SEO Support ?
Dedicated Account Manager ?
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SEO Explained

What is PageRank?

PageRank is named after Larry Page, co-founder of Google. It is one part of the ‘Google Algorithm’ that determines the order of web pages returned when use the Google search engine. Many website owners know what their PageRank score is, commonly stating their website “is a PR4 site” (has a PageRank score of 4 out of 10), for example. But what does this score actually mean? Many people misunderstand how PageRank is calculated. Hopefully this quick guide will help you understand.

Google’s PageRank algorithm is a broad measure of a web page’s importance, measured in terms of the quantity and quality of links to that page from any other pages on the web. PageRank is not a measure of how ‘relevant’ a page is to any particular topic. PageRank is only concerned with links.

Every page on the web is given a small amount of PageRank to start off with. From there, a page’s score is calculated by Google after looking at every other page it knows about on the entire internet. Google finds every link that points to the page, and increases its PageRank score for every link that it finds. However, the most important part of the PageRank algorithm is that every link is not treated equally. A link from a page that itself has many links pointing to it is treated as a much important link, and will raise a page’s score much more than a link from a page that has few incoming links.

Google displays PageRank scores via the Google Toolbar, and each page is given a score out of 10. If a page has no score, it is ‘unranked’ – normally this means the page is so new that Google has not yet calculated its score. Google updates the PageRank scores only a few times each year. An average PageRank score is 3 or 4. PageRank scores of 5 and above are considered high. Scores of 9 or 10 are extremely rare, with only a handful of websites achieving these scores. It is important to keep in mind that PageRank scores are scaled logarithmically, which means that a PageRank score of 4 is ten times higher than a score of 3. PageRank 5 is ten times higher than 4, and so on. This means that a PageRank 6 page has up to 10,000 times more PageRank than a PageRank 2 page!

Related PageRank Links

What does this mean to you?

SEO Service Glossary

Base Target Keywords

Base Target Keywords are the primary keywords we will be targeting with the optimisation work. For example, if your company sells televisions, then the keyword “LCD TV” may well be one of your Base Target Keywords. Our optimisation work would also help your site rank highly for related keywords, such as “32 inch LCD TV”, “Panasonic LCD TV” and so on, but these would not be Base Target Keywords. The small number of Base Target Keywords are the ‘root’ keywords upon which the SEO campaign will be based, and should not be confused with the huge number of keywords for which your website will gain rankings following our SEO work.

Monthly Campaign Performance Reporting

The first step in any SEO campaign is deciding how the campaign will be measured – i.e. are you looking for more traffic? More sales? More enquiries? More brochure downloads? After agreeing with you a set of targets, we will implement the necessary systems to measure the campaign’s performance each month and we will include this information, along with a full breakdown of the work we’ve completed, the impact of that work on your website, and the planned work for the following month. Our monthly reports give our clients’ directors, marketers and technical staff the information they need to understand the effectiveness of the SEO campaign.

Full Keyword Research

Keyword Research is one of the most important parts of the SEO process. Before embarking on any actual optimisation work, understanding the target keywords is crucial. Because SEO works over several months, rather than several days, selecting the right keywords from the outset ensures a successful campaign over the long term. With a broad understanding of many business sectors, our SEO Consultants will carry out detailed keyword research to show you how many people search Google and the other search engines for keywords related to your business. We then whittle down lists of keywords to those that should convert into high quality customers most frequently to generate maximum revenue for your business from the traffic to your website.

Website Audit & Recommendations

During the first stages of all SEO campaigns run by Tecmark, we perform a Website Audit to uncover the current weaknesses in your website (no website is perfect) and the most important opportunities for improvement. Our SEO Audits conclude with a set of technical recommendations for your web developers to carry out. Tecmark’s web developers are always on hand to advise your in-house team, 3rd party web designers, or to simply carry out the recommendations for you.

Link Building

Competitive Sectors

As a responsible SEO company, we will not service clients in highly competitive sectors (such as Finance & Travel) with our Basic SEO service. Only our Premium SEO offering is capable of delivering the high-performance campaigns we promise in these sectors.

Unlimited Expert SEO Support

Although all of our SEO packages are run by our expert SEO Consultants, with our Premium SEO offering, you benefit from unlimited ad-hoc email and telephone support to help when considering new ideas for your site, creating new content, analysing and understand your competitors, or solving problems.

Dedicated Account Manager

All Premium SEO clients have a dedicated Account Manager who will be your single point of contact at Tecmark for all enquiries.

For independent information on choosing a SEO provider, see Google’s SEO information page.