While it’s good to have words on your site, but copywriting isn’t just about filling up the page with words and moving on to the next task. There’s so much more to copywriting than hammering the keyboard for eight hours a day. Fulfilling the task requires a lot more than hitting the word count.
In fact, good copywriters keep a set of goals in mind throughout a task. Here are a few of the important ones that highlight the method behind a good copywriter’s work:
Engage the audience
We’re well aware that the phrase “engaging the audience” is thrown around copywriting circles way too much, but it’s perhaps the most important rule. And you need this engagement to kick in as soon as possible. Grab your audience, engage them and forge that rapport, wherever they are.
And the best way of doing that is by creating content that is useful and interesting. If your audience is feeling like they’re getting something out of it, they’ll keep reading on. Heck, they might even like and share it!
Solve problems
One of my first ever jobs was working for a skip hire company. The industry, at that time, was like the Wild West. Grubby, a bit intimidating and definitely one of the least glamorous career options you could choose. The cowboy image was down to a small percentage of businesses but it affected the whole market. Hiring a skip was seen as a macho, cash-in-hand, nod and a wink type of business – which alienated a fair share of its audience.
Who wanted to use a service which, at best, was a bit dodgy, at worst, criminal? We changed all that with our strapline “Skip hire made easy”, built a nice looking website (this was 2005, so good looking web design was very rare), we explained the pricing, how much waste would be recycled, how long they could keep the skip for – and all their other questions in a pleasant, friendly manner.
We painted our wagons and skips bright green, and gave all our customers fact sheets, vouchers for money off and contact details if they had any further questions. We “feminised” our product, took the fear away from hiring a skip and the business – of which a considerable percentage were women – took off as a result.
A good copywriter should do the same. Figure out what your audience’s problems and fears are and make your message overcome them. From the beginning through to the end, your copy should solve their problems.
Remove doubts
Overcoming objections is key to successful copy. Producing persuasive content is all about understanding all possible doubts that could come from the audience. Is it a price thing? Does it cover their area? Will it take too much time? Is it too complicated? From the beginning through to the end, your copy should change the minds of a cynical reader by addressing any possible doubt you can foresee.
Attract new blood
It’s so important to be thankful for your existing customers, and they need to be nurtured and looked after. However, in order for your business to grow, you need to be able to attract new prospects. How do you do this with content? By making it utterly unique and compelling enough for people to deem it good enough to talk about and share on social media. Hook them in and they will soon discover everything you have to offer.
Focus on your rep
Before you have a rep to protect, you need to build it. We’ve found the best way of doing this is by building really good quality content backed up with clever, nifty SEO. This way, our audience can find us more easily. And when they find us easily, search engines start paying attention. By acknowledging us as an authority site, or using a post as a rich snippet, a newer, bigger audience comes our way.
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About the Author
I joined Tecmark couple of months ago as an Influencer Relationship apprentice. It’s quite clear from my title that my main task is to create relationships with bloggers and ensure they are happy to work with our clients. Here is my advice when it comes to making new blogger friends.
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